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When you are involved in a car accident one of the first people you may come into contact with is an adjuster at your insurance company. You may assume that the insurance company is looking out for your best interest. That may not always be the case.

Most Insurance companies have “Preferred “ or “Direct Repair Facilities” which they may try to steer you to. These shops have contracts with the insurance company to do volume work at discounted labor rates, may use cheaper or substandard parts and cut corners to gain the referrals from the insurance company. These shops are basically the HMO’s of auto repair. These shops may put the insurer’s best interest over the vehicle owner. Collisions Plus Performance is proud not to participate in any “Preferred” or “Direct Repair Program”, you, the vehicle owner are our customer NOT the insurance company.

Some common examples of auto insurance company “steering” practices to mislead you are:

  1. Insurance company cannot guarantee or warranty the repair.
  2. You may have to pay any difference in labor rates.
  3. Your repair may be delayed.
  4. You may be lead to believe that you will be inconvenienced in some form or fashion.

None of these statements are true. We understand the difficulties a car accident can cause, which is why we try to do our best to make the entire experience as pain free as possible. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff is able to assist you from start to finish. We work with all major insurance companies to ensure that you are back on the road as soon as possible. Most of all we are looking out for you our customer and will do a high quality repair that we stand behind with a lifetime warranty.

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